Fitness Assistant is an exercise tracking tool for Windows. The application has a little of everything for an athlete and a usual person. The main goal of the application is to let you record your exercise sessions and to give you lots and lots of information about them. The main window comprises a calendar and several other panels. There is a Calorie Balance for the day, a Calorie Composition for the day and a Nutritional plan. You tell the application a little about you on the first time you run it, and the program will gather that information to measure your achievements. Whenever you eat something, you have to input that data into the application. It will then calculate how much protein, fats and carbs you've ingested and add it to the data base. Whenever you go for a run, you also should tell Fitness Assistant. So, at the end of the day, you see what your calorie intake was, you see how many calories you burned and then can track those over time. Keeping a record of your every movement is the best way to keep in shape or achieve a particular athletic goal, and Fitness Assistant has pretty much all the tools that you will ever need. It has preloaded info about sports, training, nutrition and it can help with achieving goals, measuring success and more. The interface is pretty simple but there are lots of information to be found in all of the many menus available.